This Weather Widget is provided by the Met Office

Temperature: 28.6 C
Wind Chill: 28.6 C
Heat Index: 27.3 C
Apparent Temp: 27.8 C
Dewpoint: 6.6 C
Humidity: 25 %
Barometer: 1007.2  mb +
Wind: SSE  at   0.0  mph
High Wind: 8.7 mph at 16:44
Recent Avg Wind: 2.5 mph
Recent Beaufort Scale: Light Air
Today's Rain: 0.00  mm
Rain Rate: 0.00  mm/h
High Rain Rate: 0.00 mm/h at -----
Storm Total: 0.00  mm
Monthly Rain: 0.00  mm
Yearly Rain (JAN): 0.00  mm
Air Density: 1.159  kg/m^3
Est. Cumulus Base: 2749  m
High Temperature: 34.0 C at 16:58
Low Temperature: 17.1 C at 05:05
High Heat Index: 31.6 C at 16:58
Low Wind Chill: 17.1 C at 05:05
High Humidity: 55 % at 06:12
Low Humidity: 14 % at 15:34
High Dewpoint: 9.5 C at 09:33
Low Dewpoint: 1.9 C at 17:21
High Barometer: 1013.5 mb at 01:29
Low Barometer: 1007.1 mb at 16:58

in-build Weather
51.4 N - 0.9 W - 54 m
06/21/17 20:26:10
Sunrise:04:47 - Sunset:21:25 - Moon:Waning 8% Full Rises:03:09 and sets: 17:58 (sometimes)
Climatological Summaries: 
Browse Archive Records: 

0 years, 0 months, 0 days, 22 hours, 1 minutes, 19 seconds wview 5.21.7 WMRUSB (USB)